Connect2id LdapSync v1.9.1

The LdapSync agent provisions user accounts from a source LDAP directory (MS Active Directory, Novell eDirectory, OpenLDAP, etc.) to a target LDAP directory accessed by means of Json2Ldap.

[Source LDAP server] ===sync===> [Json2Ldap]+[Target LDAP server]

The LdapSync agent connects periodically to the source LDAP directory and uploads any changes that it detects in the specified user base to the target LDAP directory.

Key classes:

  • com.nimbusds.syncagent.Configuration The core configuration parameters, typically retrieved from a key / values properties file.
  • com.nimbusds.syncagent.SyncTask Generic configurable algorithm for uploading and synchronising entries from a source LDAP directory to a target Json2Ldap-enabled LDAP directory.
  • com.nimbusds.syncagent.SyncTaskEvent The base class for events emitted by the synchronisation task, intended to be captured by the wrapping application (console, desktop or web application).

System requirements:

  • Runtime: Java 1.8+
  • Source directory: any LDAP v3 compatible server
  • Json2Ldap web service: version 3.4.0+
  • Target directory: any LDAP v3 compatible server
Package Description
Logic for uploading and synchronising directory entries from a source LDAP server to a target directory accessed by means of a Json2Ldap web service.
Simple console application that allows the LDAP entry upload / synchronisation task to be run from the command line - manually, from a batch / script file or through a cron-style job.