Connect2id server 5.0.2 maintenance release

This is a maintenance release of the OpenID Connect server.

  • Fixes a Connect2id server packaging issue, which may manifest as a Java class loader exception that prevents the server from starting up. The issue was traced to shadowing of the Log4j logging library by Infinispan, and can show up when the JVM loads the Log4j classes in a certain order.

  • We realised that class loader conflicts may also get introduced into the Connect2id server through plugins that customers create, for purposes such as custom grant handling, or in DB connectors. To report such potential conflicts the Connect2id server will from now on run an automated JHades diagnostic at startup. The report will be written to the web server console (catalina.out if you're using Apache Tomcat).

  • Upgrades the Connect2id server to the latest stable versions of Infinispan, JAX-RS Jersey and Log4j.


To download a ZIP package of Connect2id server 5.0.2:

As WAR package only:


Get in touch Connect2id support, we'll be delighted to help out.

Release notes

5.0.2 (2016-07-18)


  • No changes


  • No changes

Bug fixes

  • Fixes Log4j class loading conflict caused by shadowing of Log4j by the Infinispan Embedded package (iss #219).


  • Upgrades to Infinispan 8.2.3.Final

  • Upgrades to JAX-RS Jersey 2.23.1

  • Upgrades to Log4j 2.6.2

  • Adds JHades dependency to report class loader issues at server startup (iss
