Nimbus JOSE + JWT 3.0, redesigned and with AES key wrap support

Thanks to Melisa Halsband, a contributor from CertiVox UK, the Nimbus library can now handle JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and other objects encrypted with a shared key using the AES or AES/GCM key wrap algorithm.

These are the JWA identifiers for the newly added algorithms:

  • For AES key wrap encryption: A128KW, A192KW and A256KW
  • For AES GCM key wrap encryption: A128CGMKW, A192CGMKW and A256CGMKW

Support of AES key wrap necessitated a number of braking changes to the JOSE header and object classes. That cleared the way for a number of other significant changes in the new 3.0 release, all of which we hope you'll find useful :)

Simplified immutable headers

The plain / JWS / JWE header classes are now simplified and completely immutable, which makes for safer development. A builder is available to help you construct headers where you need to specify additional parameters than the mandatory alg and enc:

JWSHeader header = new JWSHeader.Builder(JWSAlgorithm.RS256).
                   customParam("exp", new Date().getTime()).

To facilitate AES key wrap the JWE header was given direct support for the iv and tag parameter. We also added support for the new x4t#S256 (X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint) header parameter added in draft 27 of the JOSE specs.

AES key wrap encryption

AES key wrap is useful in situations when you want to encrypt a message using a shared secret key, e.g. to ensure confidentiality of ID tokens in OpenID Connect where the client application has been issued with a simple client secret at registration.

Note that the key length must match the one required by the algorithm:

  • 128 bit key for A128KW
  • 192 bit key for A192KW
  • 256 bit key for A256KW
// Create JWE object
JWEHeader header = new JWEHeader(JWEAlgorithm.A128KW, EncryptionMethod.A128CBC_HS256);
Payload payload = new Payload("Hello world!");      
JWEObject jweObject = new JWEObject(header, payload);

// Encrypt with secret key
JWEEncrypter encrypter = new AESEncrypter(secretKey);

// Output JWE string

// ...

// Parse JWE string on recipient side
jweObject = JWEObject.parse(jweString);

// Decrypt with same secret key
JWEDecrypter decrypter = new AESDecrypter(key128);

// Get the decrypted payload
assertEquals("Hello world!", jweObject.getPayload().toString());

Encryption with AES GCM key wrap is similar, you just need to specify A128GCMKW as the JWE algorithm instead.

Serialising single-valued JWT audience (aud) claims

A developer complained that some JWT libraries cannot handle JWT audience (aud) values that are JSON arrays, even in the simple case (array with a single audience). To enable interop with such software we decided to modify the JWTClaimsSet class, so that single-valued aud claims are now output as a string.

JWT claims set with a single aud:

 "iss": "",
 "sub": "alice",
 "aud": ""

JWT claims set with multiple aud values:

 "iss": "",
 "sub": "alice",
 "aud": [ "", "" ] 

Java 7 is now the minimum requirement

With the new 3.0 release you will now need Java 7 to build and run the library. Java 6 is no longer officially supported as of February 2013, so we decided to drop support for it too, and start enjoying the language features Java 7 has to offer (and are already eyeing Java 8, but we'll have to be patient ;)

Matching IETF specifications

From the JOSE WG:

From the OAuth WG:


The Maven Dependency for the new 3.0 release:


For other methods check out the downloads page.