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Connect2id server

Connect2id server 5.0.5 adds metrics for Redis backends

Connect2id server 5.x received an update to enable retrieval of key metrics on Redis client connection pool usage. If you have a Connect2id server cluster deployed with Redis / AWS ElastiCache as primary in-memory store and want to fine tune your Redis connection pools, these new metrics will provide you with the necessary data.

The new Redis connection pool gauges are made available at the existing /monitor/v1 endpoint, which already collects more than 100 metrics for all sorts of things.

Example Redis client connection pool metrics:

    "sessionStore.sessionMap.redisStore.numActiveConnections": {
      "value": 1
    "sessionStore.sessionMap.redisStore.numIdleConnections": {
      "value": 6
    "sessionStore.sessionMap.redisStore.numWaitingForConnection": {
      "value": 0
    "sessionStore.sessionMap.redisStore.maxWaitingTimeForConnectionMs": {
          "value": 15
    "sessionStore.sessionMap.redisStore.meanWaitingTimeForConnectionMs": {
      "value": 0

The latest version 6 of the Connect2id server is also going to receive that update later in January. Stay tuned.


To download a ZIP package of Connect2id server 5.0.5:

(SHA-1: 29687823f0bd42647407f906dedd780fdd98dd41)

As WAR package only:

(SHA-1: 86167b4096bb85bf44b123e4bb97cc8d6402b147)


Get in touch Connect2id support, we’ll be delighted to help out.

Release notes

5.0.5 (2016-12-31)


  • No changes


  • /monitor/v1/metrics
    • Adds Redis store connection pool metrics (of type gauge):
      • “[infinispan-cache-name].redisStore.numActiveConnections” – the number of active Redis client connections in the pool.
      • “[infinispan-cache-name].redisStore.numIdleConnections” – the number of idle Redis client connections in the pool.
      • “[infinispan-cache-name].redisStore.numWaitingForConnection” – the number of threads waiting for a Redis client connection.
      • “[infinispan-cache-name].redisStore.meanWaitingTimeForConnectionMs” – the mean time waiting to borrow a Redis client connection from the pool, in milliseconds.
      • “[infinispan-cache-name].redisStore.maxWaitingTimeForConnectionMs” – the maximum time waiting to borrow a Redis client connection from the pool, in milliseconds.

Bug fixes

  • None


  • Upgrades to Infinispan 8.2.5
  • Upgrades to Redis Store 8.2.1 (private Connect2id release)