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  • Simple JSON-RPC web gateway for LDAP / Microsoft Active directories
  • Access directory data in a modern and web-friendly way
  • Secure and configurable

Simple and intuitive JSON-based web API for directory access

Json2Ldap provides a JSON-RPC 2.0 web API for interacting with LDAP directories, such as Microsoft Active Directory and OpenLDAP. User authentication, directory search, retrieval and management of user / group information - all of that and a lot more is now possible with simple JSON over HTTP.


  • Create a secure endpoint to provision and sync user accounts to a cloud or to a web or SaaS application.
  • Provide applications with a web API to access directory data.
  • Save development effort by not having to deal with LDAP client libraries.

Check out the online Json2Ldap demo to see what can be done with just a few lines of JavaScript.

Deploy once for multiple applications and directory servers

Deployed once within an organisation Json2Ldap can serve as a single gateway for all applications requiring access to one or more back-end LDAP directory servers. You save development, maintenance and administration time.

Access and security

Json2Ldap can be configured to enforce a connection policy:

  • Limit access to selected LDAP servers only
  • Limit access to selected LDAP operation types, such as read and search only
  • Require TLS/SSL for inbound and/or outbound connections
  • Require all clients to authenticate with LDAP “bind”
  • Impose connection quotas per client IP or bind DN
  • Expire LDAP connections after an idle or total connection time

Example directory search request

JSON-RPC is a simple and efficient protocol, with optional support for asynchronous messaging. Here is an example Json2Ldap request to search an LDAP directory for a user with the given name “Alice”:

  "method"  : "",
  "params"  : { "CID" : "096032ca-ca91-47eb-a366-143832ff4a26",
                "baseDN" : "ou=people,dc=my,dc=org",
                "scope"  : "SUB",
                "filter" : "(givenName=Alice)" },
  "id"      : "0001",
  "jsonrpc" : "2.0"

Example search response:

  "result"  : { "objectClass" : [ "top", "person", "inetOrgPerson" ],
                "uid"         : [ "alice" ],
                "mail"        : [ "" ],
                "sn"          : [ "Adams" ],
                "cn"          : [ "Alice Adams" ],
                "initials"    : [ "AA" ],
                "mobile"      : [ "+359 755 123 456" ] },
  "id"      : "0001",
  "jsonrpc" : "2.0"

Setup, configuration and use

Json2Ldap is packaged as a standard web application archive (WAR) file to be deployed in a Java web server, such as Apache Tomcat. You can also build a Docker image.

Contact us if you have questions or wish to receive a personal consultation.


Ready to try out Json2Ldap? You are welcome to download an evaluation copy. No registration is required for that.

Download Json2Ldap

The software comes in a standard Java WAR package ready for immediate deployment. Check out the installation instructions for details.

Json2Ldap is offered under an affordable licence. The price also provides you with maintenance, updates and our support for the first 12 months. Discounts are available if you wish to run multiple instances or would like to integrate Json2Ldap into your own product or service offerings. We also offer various dedicated services such as integration assistance, training and custom add-on development. Get in touch with sales to request a quote.