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Connect2id server

Connect2id server 6.9.1 updates the SQL backend connector

This is a small update to the Connect2id server which adds a new configuration setting for disabling automatic creation of the required SQL backend tables at server startup. This setting is useful in situations when the database permissions granted to the Connect2id server don’t include the SQL “CREATE” command. In that case the database admin must create the tables manually, before the server is started.

See the release notes for more information.


To download a ZIP package of Connect2id server 6.9.1:

(SHA-256: 7b13e9d7044f65e478ee676a0d36f94257e1033293f5982f0d81b815292b9726)

As WAR package only:

(SHA-256: bbf9cd49ab5eb8d8dc4a1e3932512985f6848dc5ff991aee098c8474f6d4795f)


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Release notes

6.9.1 (2017-06-26)


  • /WEB-INF/infinispan-{mysql|postgres95|h2}.xml

    • Adds new optional boolean “create-table-if-missing” configuration attribute to the “sql-store” XML element (updating the XML schema definition to v2.6) to control the automatic creation of the required backend SQL database tables during Connect2id server startup. If “true” the Connect2id server will execute an SQL “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS” statement for each required table. This has been the behaviour of the Connect2id server since addition of SQL backend support in v6.0. If “false” execution of the conditional “CREATE” statement will be skipped. If omitted the default setting is “true”. “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS” can be disabled if the database permissions granted to the Connect2id server don’t include the SQL “CREATE” query.


  • Upgrades to com.nimbusds:infinispan-cachestore-sql:2.6.1