Connect2id server 7.10.1

This maintenance release of the Connect2id server backports selected fixes from Connect2id server 7.11 and 7.11.1 (for Java 11+) to 7.10 (for Java 8).

Check out the release notes below for more information.


To download a ZIP package of Connect2id server 7.10.1:

SHA-256: efec16fd1137a2ac5143488790d0cc15060be25f628b0b23db02d1b607aef0a9

As WAR package only:

SHA-256: 42c487dc87f0abb378d8dff07fcac3205c851fb63fbe847b976128c8956b61a0


Contact Connect2id support.

Release notes

7.10.1 (2019-04-27)


  • /WEB-INF/infinispan-*-dynamodb.xml

    • Upgrades the DynamoDB connector to 3.4.1 and the schema to v1.5 to add support for enabling strongly consistent DynamoDB reads.
  • /WEB-INF/infinispan-stateless-dynamodb.xml

    • Enables strongly consistent DynamoDB reads for "op.consentSessionMap" to prevent possible false 404 errors during authorisation sessions (/authz-sessions/rest/v3/) when consent is handled automatically (without any user interaction) and too quickly for eventual consistency.

Resolved issues

  • Fixes a bug which prevented the UserInfo from returning the subject in pairwise encrypted form when the OpenID relying party is registered for subject_type=pairwise (issue server/441).

  • Fixes a non-critical NPE for a null UserInfo returned from the claims source for claims to be fed into the ID token (issue server/444).

  • Switches to strongly consistent DynamoDB reads for "op.consentSessionMap" to prevent possible false 404 errors during authorisation sessions (/authz-sessions/rest/v3/) when consent is handled automatically (without any user interaction) and too quickly for eventual consistency (issue server/442).

Dependency changes

  • Upgrades to com.nimbusds:infinispan-cachestore-dynamodb:3.4.1