Connect2id server 7.18 has Microsoft SQL Server support, new stateless clustering mode

November's 7.18 release of the OpenID Connect / OAuth 2.0 server focuses on updating backend database support and clustering.

Microsoft SQL server is now among the supported relational databases, alongside MySQL, PostgreSQL and H2. You can use SQL server v2016, v2017 and the newest v2019. The configuration guide for SQL Server explains the JDBC, username and password settings.

Connect2id server 7.18 also introduces a new stateless clustering mode where the server's entire data -- long-lived objects (such as client registrations) as well as short-lived objects (sessions) -- is persisted to the main database (MySQL, PostreSQL or SQL Server). This mode is intended as a simpler to deploy and manage alternative to the existing stateless cluster mode which requires a separate Redis database to cache data and store short-lived objects.

If you need assistance selecting an optimal clustering mode for your identity provider and token service don't hesitate to contact our technical support.

You can find more information about the new release in the notes below.


To download a ZIP package of Connect2id server 7.18:

SHA-256: b97c51c89be16ef295aa853f76cf4cf8765aa629044a8188c57c1c45170c6b49

As WAR package only:

SHA-256: 10e19f691fa148eb94ebe9b06667d30196632be81753bfeb19aae35e7409ec69


Contact Connect2id support.

Release notes

7.18 (2019-11-25)


  • Adds support for persisting Connect2id server data to a Microsoft SQL Server 2016+ database. Available in the standard and multi-tenant Connect2id server editions.

  • Adds new stateless cluster mode where the entire Connect2id server data is persisted to an SQL database (MySQL, PostreSQL or SQL Server). Intended as a lightweight, simpler to deploy and manage alternative to the existing stateless cluster mode where the short-lived data (cached client JWK sets, sessions, etc) is stored in a Redis database. Available in the standard and multi-tenant Connect2id server editions.


  • /WEB-INF/infinispan-*-sqlserver.xml

    New Infinispan configurations for persisting Connect2id server data to a Microsoft SQL Server database. Supported database versions are 2016 and later. The database can be created with the traditional SQL Server UCS-2 (UTF-16) encoding or with the UTF-8 encoding, which is supported since version 2019.

    Java system properties to configure the database connection:

    • dataSource.url -- Sets the JDBC URL to specify the database host, port, name and other options. The default value is jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=c2id;applicationName=c2id;

    • dataSource.user -- Sets the username. The default value is c2id.

    • dataSource.password -- Sets the user password.

    Support for SQL Server is available in the standard and multi-tenant Connect2id server editions.

  • /WEB-INF/infinispan-stateless-{mysql|postgres95|sqlserver}.xml

    Adds new stateless cluster mode where long-lived as well as cached and short-lived Connect2id server data is persisted to an SQL database. Intended as a lightweight, simpler to deploy and manage alternative to the existing stateless cluster mode where the short-lived data is stored in a Redis database. Available in the standard and multi-tenant Connect2id server editions.

Resolved issues

  • The client registration endpoint must return HTTP status code 201 instead of 200 on a successful POST (issue oauth-oidc-sdk/277).

  • Logs any unchecked exceptions when parsing token requests at the /token endpoint (OP6208) (issue server/484).

  • Logs any unchecked exceptions at the /jwks.json endpoint (OP3000) (issue server/486).

  • Adds tenant ID legal character check (allow alphanumeric, dash, underscore) to tenants web API POST operation (issue server/496).

  • Documents HikariCP configuration properties in the Infinispan configuration files with an SQL database (issue server/495).

Dependency changes

  • Upgrades to com.nimbusds:oauth2-oidc-sdk:6.18.1

  • Updates to com.nimbusds:tenant-manager:4.3

  • Updates to com.nimbusds:tenant-registry:5.1

  • Updates to com.nimbusds:oauth2-authz-store:13.9

  • Updates to com.nimbusds:oidc-session-store:13.3

  • Upgrades to com.nimbusds:infinispan-cachestore-sql:4.0.6

  • Upgrades to

  • Adds new dependency