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Connect2id server

The Connect2id server to offer fully customisable OpenID Connect login pages

The Connect2id server for OpenID Connect SSO and identity provision will offer customers unsurpassed branding and customisation of the user experience during login and application consent.

Off-the-shelf SSO and IdP software typically comes with bland and rigid login pages. They can work well for the simple case. But if you’re conscious about first-time impressions and blending the OpenID Connect user experience into your overall vision, that login page where users will come to meet your service better look good!

With the Connect2id server we devised a concept that allows for a fully decoupled login page:

  • You can have arbitrary HTML, CSS and JavaScript in the login page.
  • The login page can be served by any web server software / language / framework and you can have arbitrary server-side code behind it.
  • The login page can be hosted anywhere.

What does this freedom give you?

  • The ability to give the OpenID Connect login your distinct brand.
  • Present a web UI that matches the user’s device – PC, tablet or smartphone.
  • Web UI consistent with the rest of your site.
  • Have links for the user to access other parts of your site, such as their account and your legal terms.
  • Have your custom code for collecting visitor stats.

The flexible login pages are made possible by employing an MVC pattern where your login page acts the view and controller and the Connect2id server acts the big brain behind it, taking care of all OpenID Connect stuff and complexities.

The login page development steps:

  1. Create a web page to serve as your OpenID Connect page (Authorisation Endpoint) for user authentication and authorisation.

  2. Wire it to the Connect2id web API to handle all session, login and OpenID Connect requests. The Connect2id server will then take care of the rest.

  3. Publish the URL of the login page so client applications and websites (the relying parties) know where to find it.

To find out what’s great about OpenID Connect check out our Connect2id server or speak to us.