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OpenID Federation

Manual entity registration with OpenID Federation 1.0

Vladimir Dzhuvinov / Connect2id -

The OpenID Connect profiles in the Federation spec are simply two methods to register relying parties (RP) with an OpenID provider, utilising the available trust infrastructure:

  • A profile for automatic registration, which takes a request object (JAR) or an authenticated pushed authorisation request (PAR) to establish a trust chain to a federation trust anchor. This enables the RP to get registered on the spot, as part of the authorisation request.

  • A profile for explicit registration, which is similar to dynamic client registration (DCR), but uses a trust chain to authorise the registration request.

These profiles don’t preclude the possibility of “manual” registration. In fact, this can be a part of a plan to gradually introduce OpenID Federation 1.0 in a ecosystem, with zero pressure and little initial change. The Swedish federation project for national trust infrastructure chose precisely this approach.

  • It relies on the trust anchors to operate resolvers, to return resolved metadata for OpenID providers and OpenID RPs in the federation.

  • The metadata can be downloaded, manually or by a script, and used to create or update the registration for an RP at an OpenID provider. Behind the scences the registration can be done by the operator or the script making a standard DCR request.

    The only caveat is that the client_id must be set to the federation entity ID of RP, e.g. to, rather than let the OpenID provider assign a random value. The Connect2id server allows this with the preferred_client_id parameter.

  • From that point on the registered RP can authenticate users and obtain ID tokens, just like with any other OpenID provider.

Yes, this may be a crude way to use the capabilities of an OpenID federation, like using a coal-powered steam engine in the age of electricity. But nevertheless, it can be a good way to start and make gradual difference.