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OpenID Connect

Soirée OpenID Connect, Paris 15 sept

Next Tuesday is OpenID Connect night in Paris. Meet Jérôme Leleu and Vladimir Dzhuvinov to find out more about OpenID Connect, the new internet standard for SSO and identity management, and how you can put it to work in your projects and applications.

The event is kindly hosted by the Java users group in Paris and will take place at ESIEA.

OpenID Connect explained

Vladimir will explain how lightweight JSON Web Tokens (JWT), the centrepiece of OpenID Connect, are used to assert identity. You can also find out how clients (web, mobile, native apps) can obtain an ID token using standard OAuth 2.0 flows, and how to process them. We’ll also take a look at a few supplementary protocols designed to make the whole experience of login a lot smoother, more democratic and privacy aware. For those who dare there may even be time to touch some nasty OAuth 2.0 stuff.

PAC4J, your first choice for Java security

Jérôme will present PAC4J, a universal open source Java library for handling authentication for a whole range of protocols, such as OpenID, SAML, social logins and plain old HTTP basic auth. PAC4J is also amazing in handling just about any popular Java framework you can think of: J2EE, Spring Security, Shiro, CAS, Play, Ratpack, Vertx, Undertow, Sparkjava and Jobby.

Event info

? Details
Date Tuesday, 15 September 2015
Time 19:15 reception, then start at 19:30
Venue ESIEA, 9 rue Vesale, 75005 Paris
Organiser Paris JUG
To register Entry is free, to register visit the event site

See you there!