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We are transformed!

Last night we celebrated. We pulled the plug on the NimbusDS site, the web front of our business which was born four years ago with Json2Ldap, the JSON web service for LDAP directory access and user account provisioning to cloud and SaaS apps. Json2Ldap’s success was great inspiration to us and led us release a collection of complementary products that solved common problems in user authentication, identity synchronisation and single sign-on (SSO), tailored specifically for the new wave of web apps developed in the spirit of agile and lean.

Quantitative change leads to qualitative change

These new NimbusDS products helped us deepen our understanding of what identity management problems enterprises and web app developers face, which then in turn helped us envision and engineer even broader and more complete solutions.

It was in the last days of 2011 when a customer excitingly tipped us off about OpenID Connect, a concerted effort to come up with a new identity protocol based on the OAuth 2.0 framework which was already great success by then. Shortly thereafter we started a project to develop an OpenID Connect server for single sign-on and identity provision.

Enter OpenID Connect

Working on OpenID Connect was an exciting challenge. Soon after we set out on our server project we realised that we have entered a void space. There was much foundation laying work to be done. With help of the community we started two big open source projects – to develop a solid Java library for signed and encrypted JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and a comprehensive OAuth 2.0 SDK with OpenID Connect specific extensions. We also joined the OpenID Connect, JOSE and OAuth work groups where the huge amount of specification work that had to be done, at so many levels at once, was literally overwhelming at times :)

Now that the OpenID Connect 1.0 spec suite is complete and published, that feels like a great accomplishment to everyone who was involved and contributed.

The Connect2id server

With the release of the Connect2id server our business has entered a new level. That’s why we decided to rename our company after it, and used the opportunity to do a number of internal restructurings as well.

We now have a product that offers a complete enterprise solution for SSO, identity and access management, based on the latest and most advanced technologies, both in terms of industry standards (such as OpenID Connect) and in terms of software (such as the use of a data-grid to facilitate reliable distributed operation across data centres).

Connect2id server overview
Click to view our Connect2id server presentation

Are you intrigued?

Get in touch with us to find out more about OpenID Connect and how it can improve the management of identity and SSO in your business. We have built up considerable expertise on OpenID Connect and we’re ready to answer even the most complicated questions that you may have.