Insights and release announcements
Connect2id server 7.12 supports request objects in general OAuth 2.0
Connect2id server 7.12 supports request objects in general OAuth 2.0
The new Connect2id server 7.12 release focuses on request objects. Unsure what they are and when to use them? Check out our freshly published guide. Request objects with general OAuth 2.0 The concept of JWT-secured authorisation...
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Request objects in OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect
Request objects in OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect
The request object originally appeared as an OpenID Connect feature to secure parameters in the authentication...
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Connect2id server 7.10.1
Connect2id server 7.10.1
This maintenance release of the Connect2id server backports selected fixes from Connect2id server 7.11 and 7.11.1...
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Connect2id server 7.11.1
Connect2id server 7.11.1
This is a maintenance release of the Connect2id server (for Java 11). Deployments with a DynamoDB backend are advised...
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Connect2id server 7.11 switches to Java 11
Connect2id server 7.11 switches to Java 11
With Java 8 having reached its end of life we now have upgraded the Connect2id server for Java 11+. This release also...
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Connect2id server 7.10
Connect2id server 7.10
Release 7.10 of the OpenID Connect / OAuth 2.0 server adds a new SPI for plugging custom checks when registering or...
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Connect2id server 7.9
Connect2id server 7.9
What’s new in Connect2id server 7.9? A major milestone in the multi-tenant edition is now complete – isolation...
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Device flow support in the OAuth 2.0 / OpenID Connect SDK
Device flow support in the OAuth 2.0 / OpenID Connect SDK
The device authorisation grant is now available in the OAuth 2.0 / OpenID Connect SDK, thanks to a contribution by...
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Connect2id server 7.8.3
Connect2id server 7.8.3
This update of the Connect2id server is intended for deployments that use a custom Redis setup to store short-lived...
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Connect2id server 7.8.2
Connect2id server 7.8.2
This second update of the Connect2id server this week is also intended for deployments with DynamoDB and addresses a...
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Connect2id server 7.8.1
Connect2id server 7.8.1
This update of the Connect2id server fixes a bug which affects retrieval of authorisation session data persisted in...
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Connect2id server 7.8
Connect2id server 7.8
November’s release of the OpenID Connect server updates OAuth 2.0 mutual TLS client authentication to accept...
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Connect2id server 7.7
Connect2id server 7.7
We have another update of the Connect2id server for you, which is recommended if you have a deployment with an AWS...
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