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Insights and release announcements

  • New crypto API for browsers

    Finally, a concerted effort to create a standard crypto API for browsers! A new W3C working group has been established to select a set of commonly used crypto operations and make them accessible through a standard API, so that JavaScript...

  • OpenID Connect SDK for Java

    Today we released an OpenID Connect SDK for Java, to serve as a starting point for developing identity providers (SSO...

    OpenID Connect
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  • Nimbus Directory Services turns one

    It is now a year since Nimbus Directory Services was launched on 1 May 2011 to consolidate the marketing and further...

  • Language tags (RFC 5646) for Java

    Language tags (RFC 5646) provides a neat method for indicating the locale of data in JSON object members, such as...

    OpenID Connect
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  • JSON Web Token (JWT) for Java

    Today was the public release of Nimbus JOSE + JWT, a JSON Web Token (JWT) library for Java with support for plain,...

  • Base64URL for Java

    Looking for a good and well documented Java library for Base64url encoding + decoding? Apache Commons Codec does it:...

  • JSON Web Token (JWT) parts

    This table shows the relation of the three parts of a JSON Web Token (JWT) in the three possible cases: Plain...

  • LdapAuth 2.0

    LdapAuth 2.0 is out! LdapAuth is a simple and lightweight JSON-RPC service for LDAP user authentication and details...