Json2Ldap online demo

Three cool JavaScript apps demonstrating the use of Json2Ldap to perform search, entry retrieval and user authentication against a sample LDAP directory in the cloud.

Oops! Your browser does not support cross-domain (CORS) requests. These are required to make an XHR request from the connect2id.com domain to the Json2Ldap demo service.

Browsers with CORS support: Firefox 3.5+, Internet Explorer 8+, Chrome 3+, Safari 4+

Employee directory

Lists the employees of a company in alphabetical order by making an ldap.search call. When a person is selected an ldap.getEntry request is sent to retrieve and display their details.

Employees Details

    [ name ]

    [ description ]

    Employee ID:
    [ « Prev ] [ Next » ]

    Resolving group membership

    An important organisational feature of directories is the ability to specify groups for things like departments, permissions and mailing lists. This JavaScript application makes an ldap.search XHR, first to list the available groups, then to display their members.

    Groups Members

      User authentication

      On corporate intranets the central authentication of users is commonly handled by an LDAP directory. Various authentication means are available, such as a username / password combination or a X.509 certificate. With the Json2Ldap ldap.simpleBind call a JavaScript app can now make authentication requests straight from the browser.

      User credentials Authentication result

      Hint: All user passwords are set to secret

      ✔ Valid username + password
      ✘ Invalid username / password

      The sample LDAP directory

      The sample directory is of a company with a typical employee base and four groups. To examine the directory tree take a look at its graphical representation or the original LDIF data.