OpenID Connect public client
Contributed by Rebecka Gulliksson, ITS, Umeå university
This cookbook is no longer maintained!
This document describes how to implement an OpenID Connect (OIDC) Public Client using this library, Nimbus OAuth 2.0 SDK with OpenID Connect extensions. Full javadoc can be found here, and for the accompanying JOSE library Nimbus JOSE + JWT.
The basic authentication flow in OpenID Connect consists of the following steps:
- Optional: OpenID Provider Issuer Discovery using WebFinger
- Optional: Obtaining OpenID Provider Configuration Information
- Optional: Dynamic client registration
- Authentication (using one of the defined flows)
- Optional: Token request
- Optional: UserInfo request
Issuer discovery
The WebFinger protocol is used to find the OpenID Provider (OP). The library does not have any out-of-the box support for WebFinger, so in the following example we assume you already have acquired the issuer url of the OP (possibly from developer documentation).
Provider configuration information
Obtaining the provider configuration information can be done either out-of-band or using the optional discovery process:
URI issuerURI = new URI("");
URL providerConfigurationURL = issuerURI.resolve("/.well-known/openid-configuration").toURL();
InputStream stream = providerConfigurationURL.openStream();
// Read all data from URL
String providerInfo = null;
try (java.util.Scanner s = new java.util.Scanner(stream)) {
providerInfo = s.useDelimiter("\\A").hasNext() ? : "";
OIDCProviderMetadata providerMetadata = OIDCProviderMetadata.parse(providerInfo);
Client registration
If the provider supports dynamic registration, a new client can be registered using the client registration process:
String jsonMetadata = "{\"application_type\": \"web\",\"redirect_uris\": [\"\"],\"response_types\": [\"code\"]}";
OIDCClientMetadata metadata = OIDCClientMetadata.parse(JSONObjectUtils.parse(jsonMetadata));
// Make registration request
OIDCClientRegistrationRequest registrationRequest = new OIDCClientRegistrationRequest(providerMetadata.getRegistrationEndpointURI(), metadata, null);
HTTPResponse regHTTPResponse = registrationRequest.toHTTPRequest().send();
// Parse and check response
ClientRegistrationResponse registrationResponse = OIDCClientRegistrationResponseParser.parse(regHTTPResponse);
if (registrationResponse instanceof ClientRegistrationErrorResponse) {
ErrorObject error = ((ClientRegistrationErrorResponse) registrationResponse)
// TODO error handling
// Store client information from OP
OIDCClientInformation clientInformation = ((OIDCClientInformationResponse)registrationResponse).getOIDCClientInformation();
Authentication request
The authentication request is done by redirecting the end user to the provider, for more details see the OIDC specification. The redirect URL is built as follows, using the Authorization Code Flow:
// Generate random state string for pairing the response to the request
State state = new State();
// Generate nonce
Nonce nonce = new Nonce();
// Specify scope
Scope scope = Scope.parse("openid");
// Compose the request
AuthenticationRequest authenticationRequest = new AuthenticationRequest(
new ResponseType(ResponseType.Value.CODE),
scope, clientInformation.getID(), redirectURI, state, nonce);
URI authReqURI = authenticationRequest.toURI();
return authReqURI;
- If the provider does not support the discovery protocol, replace
with the authorization endpoint URL received out-of-band. - If the provider does not support dynamic client registration, replace
with the client id received out-of-band. - Make sure
matches a URI known by the provider. - The
should be stored so they can be retrieved later. - If you want to specify additional parameters in the authentication request, use
Receive the Authentication Response
The authentication response is sent from the provider by redirecting the end user to the redirect URI specified in the initial authentication request from the client.
Code flow
The Authorization Code can be extracted from the query part of the redirect URL:
AuthenticationResponse authResp = null;
try {
authResp = AuthenticationResponseParser.parse(new URI(requestURL));
} catch (ParseException | URISyntaxException e) {
// TODO error handling
if (authResp instanceof AuthenticationErrorResponse) {
ErrorObject error = ((AuthenticationErrorResponse) authResp)
// TODO error handling
AuthenticationSuccessResponse successResponse = (AuthenticationSuccessResponse) authResp;
/* Don't forget to check the state!
* The state in the received authentication response must match the state
* specified in the previous outgoing authentication request.
if (!verifyState(successResponse.getState())) {
// TODO proper error handling
AuthorizationCode authCode = successResponse.getAuthorizationCode();
Implicit/Hybrid flow
When using either implicit or hybrid flow the authentication response is encoded in the fragment part of the URL. This requires additional handling, e.g. using Javascript, see Implementation Notes.
After receiving the response back in the client, it can be parsed in the same way as when using Code flow.
Token Request
When an authorization code (using code or hybrid flow) has been obtained, a token request can made to get the access token and the id token:
TokenRequest tokenReq = new TokenRequest(
new ClientSecretBasic(clientInformation.getID(),
new AuthorizationCodeGrant(authCode, redirectURI));
HTTPResponse tokenHTTPResp = null;
try {
tokenHTTPResp = tokenReq.toHTTPRequest().send();
} catch (SerializeException | IOException e) {
// TODO proper error handling
// Parse and check response
TokenResponse tokenResponse = null;
try {
tokenResponse = OIDCTokenResponseParser.parse(tokenHTTPResp);
} catch (ParseException e) {
// TODO proper error handling
if (tokenResponse instanceof TokenErrorResponse) {
ErrorObject error = ((TokenErrorResponse) tokenResponse).getErrorObject();
// TODO error handling
OIDCAccessTokenResponse accessTokenResponse = (OIDCAccessTokenResponse) tokenResponse;
Validate the ID token
The id token obtained from the token request must be validated, see ID token validation:
private ReadOnlyJWTClaimsSet verifyIdToken(JWT idToken, OIDCProviderMetadata providerMetadata) {
RSAPublicKey providerKey = null;
try {
JSONObject key = getProviderRSAJWK(providerMetadata.getJWKSetURI().toURL().openStream());
providerKey = RSAKey.parse(key).toRSAPublicKey();
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeySpecException
| IOException | java.text.ParseException e) {
// TODO error handling
DefaultJWTDecoder jwtDecoder = new DefaultJWTDecoder();
jwtDecoder.addJWSVerifier(new RSASSAVerifier(providerKey));
ReadOnlyJWTClaimsSet claims = null;
try {
claims = jwtDecoder.decodeJWT(idToken);
} catch (JOSEException | java.text.ParseException e) {
// TODO error handling
return claims;
private JSONObject getProviderRSAJWK(InputStream is) {
// Read all data from stream
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(is);) {
while (scanner.hasNext()) {
// Parse the data as json
String jsonString = sb.toString();
JSONObject json = JSONObjectUtils.parse(jsonString);
// Find the RSA signing key
JSONArray keyList = (JSONArray) json.get("keys");
for (Object key : keyList) {
JSONObject k = (JSONObject) key;
if (k.get("use").equals("sig") && k.get("kty").equals("RSA")) {
return k;
return null;
UserInfo Request
Using the access token, information about the end user can be obtained by making a user info request:
UserInfoRequest userInfoReq = new UserInfoRequest(
(BearerAccessToken) accessToken);
HTTPResponse userInfoHTTPResp = null;
try {
userInfoHTTPResp = userInfoReq.toHTTPRequest().send();
} catch (SerializeException | IOException e) {
// TODO proper error handling
UserInfoResponse userInfoResponse = null;
try {
userInfoResponse = UserInfoResponse.parse(userInfoHTTPResp);
} catch (ParseException e) {
// TODO proper error handling
if (userInfoResponse instanceof UserInfoErrorResponse) {
ErrorObject error = ((UserInfoErrorResponse) userInfoResponse).getErrorObject();
// TODO error handling
UserInfoSuccessResponse successResponse = (UserInfoSuccessResponse) userInfoResponse;
JSONObject claims = successResponse.getUserInfo().toJSONObject();