Connect2id server 14.7

This Connect2id server release ships updates in three different areas.

Native application redirect_uri updates

The OpenID Connect standard is going to receive an errata that allows native applications to register redirection URIs using an IPv4 or IPv6 loopback IP, in addition to the previous localhost for HTTP URLs.

For example:

POST /clients HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "application_type"           : "native",
  "redirect_uris"              : [ "" ],
  "token_endpoint_auth_method" : "none",
  "code_challenge_method"      : "S256"

This upcoming change was implemented and is now available.

Native applications can now also be registered to use variable ports in their localhost or loopback IP redirection URL. This is done by registering the URL with the port number set to zero (0). In situations where the application is not guaranteed to be able to bind to a predetermined port this can be indispensable.

POST /clients HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "application_type"           : "native",
  "redirect_uris"              : [ "" ],
  "token_endpoint_auth_method" : "none",
  "code_challenge_method"      : "S256"

Note, the port zero to signify that the native application may vary the port number in its redirection URL is not a standard convention (yet).

You can find more information and examples about native application registration as OAuth 2.0 clients in the dedicated guide.

Filtering of PKCS#11 / HSM keys

Connect2id server deployments where the token signing is handled by Hardware Security Module (HSM) can now specify a list of keys to load. The selective HSM key loading can enable deployments where the HSM is shared with other applications.

Example list of three key IDs representing UUIDs:


Publishing of historical keys

The Connect2id server now also supports the publishing of JWKs for historical or other purposes. These can be supplied as public-only JWKs (without any their parameters).

Infinispan object expiration and purge updates

The shipped Infinispan configurations received an update that enables deployments to override the default interval of the object expiration tasks. This can be used to tune the expiration or to implement stateless cluster strategies with a dedicated expiration node.

Other related changes:

  • The orphaned subject key purge task is now disabled by default, since it's redundant in most practical cases.

  • The session store purge resource received new optional parameters and will now by default purge only the subject session map, ignoring the rest.

  • The default expiration interval of sessions was increased from 5 to 10 minutes.

You can find more information the release notes below.

Download 14.7

For the signature validation: Public GPG key

Standard Connect2id server edition

Apache Tomcat package with Connect2id server 14.7:

GPG signature:

SHA-256: 265ea89d12c7fd81a96ac7ad0b31dc72df8252489d54933b384f38773615838f

Connect2id server 14.7 WAR package: c2id.war

GPG signature: c2id.war.asc

SHA-256: fdb6beffdfdda8861ba057d370bfda6af594b72b99d1724584008d83e5724490

Multi-tenant edition

Apache Tomcat package with Connect2id server 14.7:

GPG signature:

SHA-256: 1919a2815f3c5a8bf319656d2e963165461d1a0966e9de8b42ed87b88e59a6a8

Connect2id server 14.7 WAR package: c2id-mt.war

GPG signature: c2id-mt.war.asc

SHA-256: b0c5198444ce02957e9045c6d1e2451a57fcdaccc779e43c508deb75cee0e055


If you have technical questions about this new release contact Connect2id support. To purchase a production license for the Connect2id server, renew or upgrade your support and updates subscription, email our sales.

Release notes

14.7 (2023-10-15)


  • The support for native applications is updated to enable registration of redirection http URIs with a loopback IP. Native applications with a localhost or loopback http redirection URI may also use a variable port, in cases when the application is not guaranteed to be able to bind to a predetermined port.

  • The Connect2id server can now be configured to load only selected signing keys from a PKCS#11 (HSM) store. This can enable deployments where the HSM is shared with other applications.

  • The Connect2id server /jwks.json endpoint may include public-only signing keys, for historical or other purposes.

  • The Infinispan configuration supports the setting of custom expiration intervals for all Connect2id server objects that require expiration. The expiration interval of subject sessions remains separately configurable. This enables strategies such as:

    • Dedicating a set of Connect2id server nodes to processing OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect requests and one (or more) nodes to the task of object expiration.

    • Disabling the periodic execution of the subject session expiration task and invoking it externally, for example by a cron-style job at a time that is deemed optimal.


  • /WEB-INF/jwkSet.json

    • The JWK set may include JWK instances without private parameters. These keys will be published at the /jwks.json endpoint and not used internally by the Connect2id server.

      Public signing and encryption Connect2id server keys may be included to be published at the /jwks.json endpoint for historical purposes.

  • /WEB-INF/federationJWKSet.json

    • The federation entity JWK set may include JWK instances without private parameters. These keys will be included in issued Entity Configurations and not used internally by the Connect2id server.

      Public signing federation entity keys may be included for historical purposes.

  • /WEB-INF/

    • pkcs11.keyIDs.* -- New optional configuration property. Specifies an explicit list of identifiers (aliases) of PKCS#11 keys to load from the HSM device (when an HSM is configured). If omitted or blank all recognised keys will be loaded.

      This configuration property can be used to filter the PKCS#11 keys to load from an HSM that is shared by several applications.

  • /WEB-INF/

    • sessionStore.sessionMap.expirationInterval -- Increases the default value from 300000 ms (5 minutes) to 600000 ms (10 minutes).

    • sessionStore.internal.subjectIndexPurgeInterval -- Receives a new default value of -1 (disabled).

  • /WEB-INF/infinispan-*.xml

    • Adds a new "infinispan.defaultExpirationInterval" configuration property with a default value of 300000 ms (5 minutes) to enable override of the default expiration purge interval for all Infinispan maps and caches where an expiration is required by the Connect2id server. Non-expiring maps and caches are not affected by this configuration property. The session map expiration interval override remains in the "sessionStore.sessionMap.expirationInterval" configuration property.
  • /WEB-INF/infinispan-stateless-{mysql|oracle|postgres95|sqlserver}.xml

    • Enabled for the "sessionStore.sessionMap.expirationInterval" configuration property.
  • /WEB-INF/infinispan-multitenant-stateless-{mysql|oracle|postgres95|sqlserver}.xml

    • Enabled for the "sessionStore.sessionMap.expirationInterval" configuration property.


  • /clients/

    • Native applications (with the application_type metadata parameter set to native) may register redirection URIs with a loopback IP address -- in IPv4 and 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 (short form ::1) in IPv6. Previously clients using the loopback interface to receive OAuth 2.0 redirections could only register with the "localhost" hostname in the URL.

    • Native applications (with the application_type metadata parameter set to native) may register localhost and loopback IP redirection URIs with a variable port, by specifying port zero in the URI, for example http://localhost:0/callback. Authorisation requests can then use any port in the 1 to 65535 range, provided the other components in the redirection URI match the registered URI exactly. Example permitted redirection URI for on the given registered example: http://localhost:1234/callback.

  • /session-store/rest/v2/

    • The /purge resource is updated, changing the default action to force a purge of the expired session only. The purging of expired and orphaned index keys is redundant and become optional operations now.

      Changes to the resource:

      • Adds a new form parameter with name sessions and a default value true. When true all expired sessions will be purged. When false the expired sessions purge will be skipped.

      • Adds a new form parameter with name index and a default value false. When true all expired subject index keys will be purged. When false the expired subject index keys purge will be skipped.

      • Adds a new form parameter with name orphaned_index_keys and a default value false. When true all orphaned subject index keys will be purged. When false the orphaned subject index keys purge will be skipped.

      • Adds a new form parameter with name async and a default value false. When true the purges will be performed asynchronously.

      • The async query parameter of the /purge resource is deprecated. Use the new async form parameter instead.

Resolved issues

  • The default value of sessionStore.internal.subjectIndexPurgeInterval is changed to -1 (disabled). In most practical cases the periodic purge task is redundant, due to the automatic subject index max_life expiration (in deployments with DynamoDB or Redis) or the purge on new subject session insertion when the subject session quota is reached. The session store /purge resource remains available (issue session-store/91).

  • Changes the SS0233 log message to level WARN when the purged number of orphaned subject keys is greater than zero, otherwise the level remains INFO (issue session-store/90).

  • Fixes an issue affecting grant isolation at the token endpoint when the Connect2id server is configured with issuer aliasing in mode PERSISTED_GRANT_ISOLATION (issue server/923).

Dependency changes

  • Upgrades to com.nimbusds:oauth2-oidc-sdk:11.2

  • Updates to com.nimbusds:oauth2-authz-store:24.6.4

  • Updates to com.nimbusds:oidc-session-store:16.7.1

  • Updates to com.nimbusds:c2id-server-jwkset:1.30

  • Upgrades to com.nimbusds:nimbus-jwkset-loader:5.3

  • Updates to Infinispan to 14.0.19.Final