Connect2id server 7.18.1 maintenance release

This is a maintenance release of the Connect2id server which fixes three issues in the code and the configuration. Two of those issues were introduced in v7.18, so you are encouraged to ignore it and update to this release instead.

You can find more information about the fixed issues in the released notes below.


To download a ZIP package of Connect2id server 7.18.1:

SHA-256: a871d49f2d27ec4bd913c492948c284553f2b66eade5215cf4a2bd762c7ff91c

As WAR package only:

SHA-256: fa844422babde8bf3dd4880eb785bc25550eefef8a7a541feeca5530e7900d31


Contact Connect2id support.

Release notes

7.18.1 (2019-11-30)

Resolved issues

  • Fixes a bug introduced in 7.18 on fixing issue oauth-oidc-sdk/277 which caused client GET and PUT registration responses to return HTTP status code 201 instead of 200 on success (issues oauth-oidc-sdk/282, server/501).

  • A relying party initiated logout request with a post-logout redirection URI must produce an error on a missing ID token hint instead of not honouring the requested redirection (issue server/500).

  • Restores the uppercase name of JGROUPSPING table in default-jgroups-jdbc_ping-mysql.xml and default-jgroups-jdbc_ping-postgres95.xml, changed to lowercase in v7.18. Also sets the name to uppercase for the new default-jgroups-jdbc_ping-sqlserver.xml introduced in v7.18 (issue server/502).

  • Updates the default JDBC URL for MySQL databases in /WEB-INF/infinispan-*-mysql.xml and default-jgroups-jdbc_ping-mysql.xml with the more correct mysql database identifier instead of mariadb. This is done to prevent potential issues if client protocol compatibility between MySQL and MariaDB breaks at some point in future. JDBC URLs for MariaDB should use the mariadb identifier. For more information see (issue server/499).

Dependency changes

  • Upgrades to com.nimbusds:oauth2-oidc-sdk:6.18.2