Authorisation store
The Connect2id server has a dedicated authorisation store to track or persist the following OAuth 2.0 objects:
Authorisation codes, until they get exchanged for a token, or expire.
Identifier-based access tokens, until they expire or get revoked. Self - contained (JWT-encoded) are not saved on the server.
Refresh tokens, until they get revoked or expire (unless the refresh token is permanent).
Long-lived (persisted) OAuth 2.0 authorisations, to remember previously given consent by end-users to clients, until the authorisation gets revoked.
Revocation journal entries.
The authorisation store configuration is located in the following file:
The configuration properties are grouped into sections:
- Web API settings
- Authorisation code settings
- Access token settings
- Refresh token settings
- Miscellaneous options
Any property in the configuration file can be overridden with a Java system property, e.g. by setting the optional -D argument at JVM startup:
The external configuration guide has tips how to import system properties from environment variables, local files and other sources.
1. Web API
The access token for the authorisation store web API, represented by its SHA-256 hash (in hexadecimal format). The hash is a measure to prevent accidental leakage of the token through configuration files, logs, etc. The token is of type Bearer, non-expiring and must contain at least 32 random alphanumeric characters to make brute force guessing impractical. If not specified the web API will be disabled.
The hash for a token with value ztucZS1ZyFKgh0tUEruUtiSTXhnexmd6
Optional secondary access token for the authorisation session store web API. Has the same format as sessionStore.apiAccessTokenSHA256. Must not be set if not needed.
2. Authorisation code
The authzStore.code.*
group contains a single property which sets the
lifetime of issued authorisation codes.
The authorisation code lifetime in seconds. Should be long enough to permit a client to make a token request to exchange the code for an ID / access token. Must not be shorter than 0 seconds (1 minute) or longer than 600 seconds (10 minutes).
3. Access token
The authzStore.accessToken.*
properties set the default preferences of issued
OAuth 2.0 access tokens such
as lifetime and encoding.
The default access token lifetime in seconds. Can be overridden by individual authorisations. Must be a positive integer.
The JSON Web Signature (JWS) algorithm for signing the self-contained (JWT-encoded) access tokens. Must be a valid and supported RSA PKCS #1, RSASSA-PSS or EdDSA JWS algorithm.
Supported JWS algorithms:
- RS256 (recommended)
- RS384
- RS512
- PS256
- PS384
- PS512
- EdDSA (with Ed25519 key, recommended for high-performance and compact signatures)
The JSON Web Encryption (JWE) algorithm for the self-contained (JWT-encoded) access tokens which are encrypted after signing. Only direct encryption (dir) with a shared AES key is supported.
Supported JWE algorithms:
- dir
The JSON Web Encryption method for the self-contained (JWT-encoded) access tokens which are encrypted after signing. Must be a valid and supported AES/GCM or AES/CBC/HMAC/SHA-2 JWE method.
Supported JWE methods:
- A128GCM (recommended)
- A192GCM
- A256GCM
- A128CBC_HS256
- A192CBC_HS384
- A256CBC_HS512
The size in bytes of the generated (using a secure function) identifiers (see jti claim) in self-contained (JWT-encoded) access tokens. Must be at least 8 bytes long to minimise the likelihood of identifier collision.
Discontinued in v7.9, JTI length is always 8 bytes.
If true
an access token can be inspected without presenting the master
Bearer access token to the authorisation store web
The JWT profile of access tokens minted by the default self-contained access token encoder / decoder. See the codec SPI for more information.
Supported profiles:
- c2id-1.1 – Connect2id server specific profile, available since v7.17, with the JWT “typ” (type) header set to “at+jwt”. This is the default profile if not specified.
- c2id-1.0 – Connect2id server specific profile, available since v1.0, outputs identical JWT claims as c2id-1.1 but doesn’t set the JWT “typ” (type) header.
- oauth-1.0 – Standard profile in development at the OAuth working group.
4. Refresh token
The authzStore.refreshToken.*
properties set the default preferences of
issued OAuth 2.0 refresh tokens.
The default refresh token lifetime in seconds. Can be overridden by individual authorisations. If zero or omitted defaults to permanent (no expiration). Must be zero or a positive integer. The default value is zero (no expiration).
Since v8.2.
To set the default refresh token lifetime to one week:
If true
causes the refresh token to be updated on each authorisation update
and on each refresh token use. The default value is false
(no update).
5. Authorisation store options
The authzStore.options.*
properties contains two settings.
With an enabled highly-available mode the authorisation store will continue providing basic service even if the backend database is down or disconnected. The required data will be served from the caches if possible and database connection exceptions will not cause requests to fail (they will be logged at ERROR level however).
List of the optional authorisation attributes that are to be automatically discarded from new authorisation objects, in order to conserve cache memory and back-end storage.
If true
the Connect2id server will support retrieval of legacy plain keys for
identifier-based access tokens from storage after upgrading to Connect2id
server 8.x, false
to ignore such keys which will
cause the introspection of
the linked access tokens to flag them as invalid. Note that enabling this
configuration imposes imposes additional database reads and a performance
penalty during introspection. The default value is false
(no support for
legacy plain access token keys).
If true
the Connect2id server will issue refresh tokens in the legacy format
supported up to v7.x. Intended to facilitate seamless rolling upgrades to v8.x
and later. The default value is false
(no issue of legacy refresh tokens).